Do You Have a Hidden Cavity Between Your Teeth?

February 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cdldentistry @ 3:52 am
a dentist examining a patient’s mouth for a cavity

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 90% of adults aged 20 and older have had at least one cavity. They also report that 1 in 4 adults aged 20 to 64 currently has at least one in their mouth. So, as you can see, tooth decay is not an uncommon condition, including between your pearly whites! Here’s how to know if you have a cavity between your teeth and the next steps to take in order to restore your smile.

How To Know When You Have a Cavity Between Teeth

When decay occurs between your pearly whites, it’s called an interproximal cavity. Generally, you will be completely unaware that you have a cavity unless one of the following events occurs:

  • You begin to experience sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures due to the cavity penetrating the enamel and reaching the second layer of tissue of your tooth called dentin.
  • Your dentist or hygienist discovers the cavity, usually found in an X-Ray.
  • You are suffering from a toothache.
  • You notice discoloration of your teeth around the infected area.
  • You feel pain when chewing your food.

Your Next Steps…

If you have an interproximal cavity, there is no need to stress! Your dentist can get your oral health back on track. Treatment will vary depending on the extent of the decay. These could include:

  • A dental filling: A tooth-colored filling can be used if the cavity has spread to more than halfway into the enamel. It will restore the tooth to its normal shape and function.
  • Getting a crown placed: For more advanced decay, a dental crown can be placed over the entire visible portion of your tooth. This provides future strength and protection, while still appearing like your natural smile.
  • A root canal: Severe cavities root canal therapy, which deeply cleans out the infected tissue, while using special biocompatible material to fill and strengthen your tooth.
  • A tooth extraction: If the tooth is too damaged, it may need to be removed to prevent infection, as well as alleviate pain. Your smile can then be completed with a bridge, dental implant, or partial denture.

How Can You Prevent Cavities?

Fortunately, most dental decay can be completely prevented with a few consistent practices! By brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once daily, you are cleaning your teeth and gums from harmful bacteria and plaque. These routines are key for protecting yourself from an interproximal cavity. Finally, it is essential to visit your dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning. This allows your dental team to catch any dental problems early on before it advances into something more serious. Additionally, by having tartar buildup removed from your teeth in the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth, you are protecting your smile from cavities forming in the first place!

About the Practice

Rensch and Laster Family and Cosmetic Dentistry keep the smiles of Raleigh whole and healthy through the expertise of its two dentists.  They provide a full range of comprehensive dental services, including preventive care. By using advanced technology and customized plans, they can restore your teeth to their optimal condition. To schedule an appointment, contact them through their website or call (919) 561-6393.

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