Myth Buster: 4 Common Myths about Gum Disease

October 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cdldentistry @ 10:35 pm
woman showing her sore gums

Oral health is about more than just your teeth. Your gums cover the bones of your mouth and teeth, as well as provide a protective barrier against bacteria. By maintaining a consistent and healthy dental routine, you can protect both your teeth and gums. But what if you are noticing some negative changes in your gums? It’s important to not neglect any signs of gum (periodontal) disease by believing it isn’t that big of a deal. Your dentist is here to bust four myths about gum disease so that misconceptions about it never will keep you from your best smile!

Myth #1: Gum Disease is Rare

It might shock you to learn that gum disease is much more common than you may think it is. In fact, it’s the most common oral health problem in the world! It’s estimated that almost half of all Americans (47%) over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal disease. And it’s not just limited to adults; on average, 50% of children have some stage of it, too.

Since it is so common, your dentist is well-equipped to deal with it. If you start noticing the early signs of periodontal disease (sore, red, puffy and/or bleeding gums), visit your dentist as soon as possible for periodontal therapy.

Myth #2: Bleeding Gums are Normal

You may have noticed when you are brushing your teeth, your gums begin to bleed. Or perhaps when you are flossing and spit into the sink, you see that your saliva is tinged with pink. Since gum disease is common, some people may think that bleeding gums is normal. Even if you think you are applying too much pressure during these activities, you are more than likely suffering from early gum disease. Your gums are not supposed to bleed and when they do, it could be a sign that they are inflamed from the buildup of bad bacteria. It’s your mouth’s way of telling you to visit your dentist!

Myth #3: Losing teeth is Inevitable

While it is true that you can lose your teeth by not tending to the early signs of gum disease and allowing it to progress to its late stages, it is completely preventable! Periodontal disease does not automatically mean you will lose your pearly whites. With the right treatment and a good oral hygiene routine, your smile can remain complete and healthy!

Myth #4: Gum Disease is Irreversible

The last important myth to bust about gum disease is that it is irreversible! As stated above, the key is paying attention to the signs and seeing your dentist right away so it can be treated before it becomes irreversible. Your dentist can offer periodontal therapies like scaling and root planing, which target the buildup of tartar on the teeth below the gum line. There is also antibiotic therapy, which is a topical treatment applied to the gums to dissolve any bad bacteria.

Gum disease is a common but serious thing to consider regarding our oral health. Armed with the awareness of gum disease and your dentist’s help, you can count on your smile to be healthy for years to come.

About the Practice

Rensch and Laster Family and Cosmetic Dentistry provide all dental services under one roof to keep you and your family’s smile as healthy as possible. With a focus on building relationships and excellent oral health, they can help keep your gums healthy with preventive care as well as help them if you are seeing signs of gum disease. If you need to schedule a checkup or need to learn more about the periodontal therapies they offer, contact them through their website or call (919) 561-6393.

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