5 Tips on How to Prepare for Invisalign

August 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cdldentistry @ 5:33 pm
person holding Invisalign and smiling

If you have a smile that’s misaligned or gapped, it can be difficult for you to feel confident in your appearance. Social situations may make you feel uncomfortable for fear of being judged for your pearly whites, and it will likely be more difficult to properly clean brush and floss your smile. Fortunately, orthodontics offers a solution. Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear aligners to discreetly correct these issues and give you a beam you love. Starting your orthodontic journey can be a big shift, so read on to learn five tips on how to prepare for Invisalign.

Tip #1: Brush After Every Meal

As you’re likely aware, brushing your teeth once in the morning and once at night is key to preventing cavities and keeping your smile healthy. For people who are undergoing Invisalign treatment, you’ll need to start brushing and flossing after each meal. This is because failing to do so allows food to get trapped behind your aligners. This raises your risk of developing cavities. Not cleaning your smile before putting your aligners back on may also leave stains on your trays.

Tip #2: Prepare to Make Payments

The cost of Invisalign treatment will vary from person to person, but you should be prepared to pay at least a few thousand dollars. For those who have dental insurance, be sure to check to see how much of the treatments cost they’ll cover. If you don’t have dental insurance, speak with your dentist about what financing options they offer so you won’t have to pay for treatment all at once.

Tip #3: Prepare Your Supplies

Preparing the supplies you’ll need before starting orthodontic treatment will make the transition into wearing aligners easier to deal with. You may want to purchase an aligner removal tool so you can use it to take off your trays if you’re having trouble or can’t clean your hands before doing so. Store-bought pain medicine will also help you during the first few hours of discomfort after putting on a new set of trays.

Tip #4: Get a Dental Kit Ready

As previously mentioned, brushing and flossing are key parts of maintaining a healthy smile, especially when undergoing Invisalign treatment. To ensure that you’re able to clean your smile no matter where you go, create a dental travel kit. It should contain travel-sized dental floss, mouthwash, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. You may also want to include some over-the-counter pain medicine to help with new aligner discomfort.

Tip #5: Cut Back on Snacks

You will need to wear your aligners for at least 20-22 hours per day. This is a necessary part of ensuring that treatment is as effective as possible. For this reason, you should start cutting back on how many snacks you eat. This will help you prepare for not being able to grab a treat whenever you want during treatment.

There are several adjustments that need to be made when undergoing Invisalign treatment. With the above tips on how to prepare for Invisalign, you’ll soon have a gorgeous, uniform grin you adore!

About the Author

Drs. Brandon D. Rensch and Christine Laster lead the skilled team at Rensch and Laster Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. They are passionate about helping Raleigh residents achieve smiles they’re proud of and offer Invisalign treatment to help you get there. They can also give you tips on how to prepare for Invisalign so treatment goes as smoothly as possible. Call (919) 787-0355 or visit their website to learn more or to set up an appointment.

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