How to Easily Remove Your Clear Aligners

April 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cdldentistry @ 6:31 am
Woman putting clear aligners in her mouth

Because aligner trays fit so well, it’s sometimes hard to take them out for eating and oral care. That fact can feel like a real shame since clear braces are generally a great way to straighten your teeth.  Spending a lot of effort to remove them before meals and teeth-cleaning might sour your view of an otherwise convenient teeth-straightening solution.

Fortunately, you can make the dislodging process easier. Here are some tips for removing clear aligners from your Raleigh dentist!

1. Relax

Granted, staying calm when trying to remove your aligners can sound counterintuitive. However, stress and anxiety can make them much harder to remove. Shaky hands, for instance, aren’t exactly great tools for a delicate task.

That said, take a deep breath and relax before trying to take the trays off. Even taking some time before trying again can bear positive results.

2. Warm Your Mouth

Removing these clear braces could become more demanding if you’ve recently had a cold drink. Low temperatures can make the plastic feel less flexible.

If possible, open your mouth for a few seconds before attempting to remove them. You’ll probably find it simpler to grab and dislodge the trays by warming the area this way.

3. Try an Aligner Hook

Aligner hooks, including brands like Pul Tools and OrthoKeys, are incredibly effective and available on Amazon. Similar to a crochet hook in appearance, they’re designed to get under the tray’s edge and lift it away from your tooth. They’re especially helpful for people with attachments.

4. Start from the Back Teeth

Rather than from the front, it’s sometimes helpful to remove the braces from your back teeth. In that case, you would lift them off the molars on each side and progress towards the front.  On the other hand, some patients find it easier to work from one side of the mouth to the other. Whatever the case, you’re free to take a personal approach.

If you have several attachments, start by lifting off the easier bits and later get to the others.  For this last part, hook your fingernails under the aligner’s edge and lift it up and over the attachment.

5. Change Them in the Evening

Inserting your new clear braces at nighttime will let you sleep when they feel tightest and most uncomfortable. Plus, your teeth will have already shifted by morning, meaning they will be easier to remove. Putting them in at night, after taking a mild painkiller, is a suitable method if you think other times would be more difficult.

Don’t let a lengthy removal time become the defining trait of your clear trays. Instead, remember to practice the tips above, and you’ll see them as the smile aid that they genuinely are!

About the Author

Dr. Christine D. Laster is a dentist practicing in Raleigh, NC, having graduated from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s School of Dentistry. She received additional training in pediatric dentistry while in rotation at Duke University and Wake Country. Being a member of both the American Dental Association and the North Carolina Dental Society, she is versed in the latest dental treatments and technology. Dr. Laster currently practices at Rensch and Laster Family Cosmetic Dentistry and can be reached at her website or by phone at (919)-787-0355.

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