How Do I Keep My Child’s Teeth Healthy During Cold-and-Flu Season?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — cdldentistry @ 7:44 pm
girl blowing her nose

With the arrival of winter each year, it becomes more difficult to keep your child healthy. While you are keeping a watchful eye over them during the cold-and-flu season, don’t forget about their oral health, either.

If your child is under the weather, it may be tougher for them to find the motivation to take care of their teeth. Keep reading to get tips from your children’s dentist in Raleigh on how to take care of your child’s smile if they catch a bug this winter.

Make Sure They Brush Their Teeth

If your child is sick, instead of forcing them to go to the bathroom for brushing, you can bring them a cup of water to rinse with then spit into. Even on sick days, they need to be brushing twice to keep plaque buildup on their teeth at bay.

Have Them Gargle with Salt Water

If your child is old enough for gargling, have them do it with saltwater once daily. It kills germs in their throat and mouth to help them recover faster. This is especially beneficial if they have a sore throat due to illness.

Switch Out Their Toothbrush After Illness

Even after a child has recovered from an illness, bacteria and viruses can linger on their toothbrush. Though they may have developed an immunity to their disease, don’t forget about the rest of your household. If your child is picky about the toothbrush they use and you can’t get to the store that day, you can submerge their brush in hot water to kill the germs. Also, be sure to keep their toothbrush away from the brushes of other family members while they are under the weather.

Encourage Them to Drink Plenty of Fluids

Staying hydrated is a helpful tip for so many reasons, and that certainly applies to when your child is ill. If they have a stopped-up nose, that usually means more breathing through the mouth, and this can cause your child to have dry mouth, which allows oral bacteria to proliferate. Drinking water will aid their saliva production and help them battle back against dry mouth.

It’s never easy to care for a sick child but implementing these tips will help them maintain good oral health even when they are under the weather. Not only could it help them recover faster, but they also won’t have to deal with any resulting cavities down the line.

About the Author

Dr. Christine Laster strives to blend kindness, personability, and extensive education to be the dentist you and your family can count on. She earned her dental doctorate from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, a nationally recognized dental program. Dr. Laster later led a volunteer mission to treat children at a remote organization in Mexico, and she actually met her husband while on the volunteer mission. She started her private practice in 2012. As a mother of three, Dr. Laster understands the challenge of taking care of a child who isn’t feeling well. If you need a children’s dentist in Raleigh, her office will maximize your dental insurance and they welcome special-needs children. You can schedule an appointment on her website or by calling (919) 787-0355.  

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