Preventive Dental Care Now Can Save You a Lot of Trouble Later

October 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — cdldentistry @ 7:08 pm
woman in dental chair

Taking care of business is not only the name of a 1973 rock song, it’s a crucial approach in life so that small issues don’t build up to become huge problems. You might have a friend who never took their car to get the oil changed and now their vehicle is in the shop.

Your mouth faces a similar circumstance. If you go years without dental checkups and cleanings, just assuming everything will be fine, that’s how someone develops major trouble with their oral health and might have to spend a pretty penny for root canal therapy.

Making the effort twice each year for preventive dentistry can provide early detection of oral health problems to save you from a lot of pain in the tooth and the wallet over the long haul. Keep reading for reasons why visiting your dentist is crucial.

Dental Assessments Can Identify Life-Threatening Diseases

People often make the mistake of thinking that daily brushing and flossing alone will keep their teeth in good standing. As important as these actions are, your teeth require a dentist to periodically perform a thorough checkup and diagnose any developing problems. Poor oral health can lead to serious infections like gum disease that have been linked to strokes, heart attacks, and oral cancer. You don’t want to be a statistic among those who sought help when it was too late.

You Save Money

Many people avoid going to the dentist because they want to save money. However, if you develop a serious condition that could’ve otherwise been prevented, you’re going to spend more money in the big picture than for the years you skipped the checkups. A handful of preventive appointments cost less than the extraction and replacement of several teeth. Not to mention much less pain and frustration with the way things turned out.

Dentists Can Answer Your Questions and Offer Advice

Do you ever go to the store and vaguely know what you need but not exactly, so you just pick something with no sound reasoning behind it? You don’t have to do that when buying oral hygiene products. The packaging on all products is going to tell you they’ll work great. Instead, talk to your dentist about what you are interested in purchasing and see what informed suggestions they have.

Take Back Your Social Life

Oral health issues like bad breath, discolored teeth, or a crooked smile can cause low self-esteem that leads to depression. Sometimes, all it takes is a dental visit to turn the ship around and get the issue that’s weighing on you corrected.

Early detection of oral health problems can save everything from your money to your life. It’s always the right time to schedule that appointment and make sure your dental situation is fine and dandy for years to come.

About the Author

Dr. Christine Laster worked in several private practices over the years to hone her skills, but she also found it fulfilling to help provide the underprivileged with dental care. One of her favorite aspects of being a dentist is the interactions she has with her patients and team members. She completed her dental education at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Dentistry, graduating with honors. Dr. Laster welcomes your whole family for preventive dentistry and her practice accepts and maximizes dental insurance. To schedule your appointment, visit her website or call (919) 787-0355.

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