How to Eat Responsibly and Avoid Foods That Can Chip Teeth

September 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — cdldentistry @ 9:42 pm
little boy in Raleigh biting hard food that can chip teeth

Like millions of other Americans, you may be among the 34-74% of people ages 30-50 who have at least one chipped tooth. Though falls, teeth grinding, and contact sports are all common causes of damage, some of your favorite foods can also lead to chips or cracks. To avoid a painful and expensive dental emergency, be extra cautious when eating the following foods that can chip teeth.

Foods To Watch Out For

Even if you’re good about brushing and flossing every day, certain foods can still cause damage to your teeth. Though that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop eating them all together, there are some foods you need to be especially careful with. Those foods include:

  • Beef jerky
  • Peaches, olives, cherries, and other fruits and vegetables with large pits
  • Corn on the cob
  • Hard candy
  • Hard breads
  • Ice cubes
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Popcorn with unpopped kernels.

What to Do If You Chip a Tooth

Regardless of how careful you are when eating these foods, accidents happen. Luckily, there several ways your dentist can repair a chipped tooth. Some options your dentist may consider include crowns for severe damage, veneers for teeth in the front of the mouth, or implants for a tooth that fell out or needs to be pulled. If you chip or break your tooth, follow these steps to protect your teeth from further damage until you can get to the dentist:

  • Rinse out your mouth with warm water to wash away any debris
  • Put pressure on the injured area to help stop the bleeding, and immediately go to the emergency room if the bleeding is excessive
  • If the tooth is loose but still attached, do not attempt to remove it on your own. If the whole tooth comes out, rinse it off in the sink and place it in a saline solution, clean water, or milk to help preserve it.
  • Place an ice pack on the injured area and take over-the-counter pain medicine to lessen any swelling or pain
  • Contact your dentist as soon as you can to avoid further issues

By avoiding the above foods or being extra careful when eating them, you can avoid an inconvenient and potentially painful emergency dental visit. If you end up chipping or cracking your tooth anyway, make sure to call your dentist as soon as possible to correct the issue and keep your teeth where they belong!

About the Practice

Dr. Christine Laster and Dr. Dalton Hunt aim to provide comprehensive, conservative dentistry to the residents of Raleigh and the surrounding communities. Their team works hard to provide the best dental health care possible for patients of all ages so they can improve their wellbeing and develop long-lasting relationships. Whether you need to fix your chipped teeth or have them cleaned, your oral health is in good hands. Call their office at (919) 561-6393 or visit their website to learn more about what foods can crack or break your teeth.

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