Can the Summer Sun Help to Boost Your Oral Health?

June 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — cdldentistry @ 12:48 am
woman enjoying the summer sun

As the days get longer and hotter, it’s a sign that summer is on its way. While everyone loves the bright-sunny days and the festivities that are associated with them, exposure to the sun offers health benefits as well. As it pertains to your oral health, getting adequate sunlight helps to maintain strong gums. As you continue reading, learn about an oral health threat that millions of Americans are facing, and how getting some summer sun can help!

The Growing Threat of Gum Disease

Nearly two-thirds of adult Americans suffer from some form of gum disease. The condition starts out as gingivitis, which is the inflammation of the soft tissue. Some of the usual warning signs are gum bleeding, puffiness and tenderness when brushing. It’s important to identify and treat the condition at this stage, while any damage is still reversible.

If ignored, gingivitis eventually morphs into gum disease, which can lead to permanent damage to the connective bones and tissue that hold the teeth in place. Unaddressed, it can lead to tooth loss and infection in other parts of the body.

How the Sun Can be of Help

Practicing excellent dental hygiene (brushing and flossing at least two times a day) is one of the keys to preventing gum disease, but there is yet more you can do. Getting adequate sunlight triggers your body’s natural production of vitamin D.

Here are some of its benefits:

  • It strengthens your teeth and bones.
  • It assists in boosting your immune function to fight infections.
  • By helping to prevent gum disease, it fights against diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease and dementia.

Moderation is Important

While there’s no denying the health benefits of receiving sunlight, overexposure can contribute to developing skin cancer. One way to protect yourself is to apply SPF15 sunscreen before heading outdoors. Additionally, if you plan on being outside for a while, it’s a good idea to wear protective clothing, wrap-around sunglasses and seek shade when possible.

The Advantage of Paying a Dentist a Visit

If you’ve noticed any gum bleeding when you brush your teeth or eat, or any of the other symptoms mentioned above, you should immediately reach out to a local dentist to request a visit. By taking action before the summer gets underway, you can have your oral health fully assessed and schedule any treatments that may be needed.

With the help of your dentist, you can find the right combination of vitamin D and other best practices to ensure healthy gums this summer!

About the Author

Dr. Christine DiBlasi Laster earned her dental degree from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Dentistry. For several years, she has been providing exceptional dental care to her community. An avid learner, Dr. Laster has taken several hours of continuing education, which allows her to provide an array of services, including gum disease treatment. She restores her patients’ oral health at her private practice, and she can be reached for more information or to schedule a visit through her website.

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