Sedation Dentistry – Raleigh, NC

Comfortable & Relaxing Dental Visits with Sedation Dentistry

Some patients might struggle with dental-related anxiety or fear, causing them to miss out on getting the necessary care for maintaining a healthy and bright smile. If this is a problem that you share, you’ll be happy to know that our team at Connection Dentistry has a couple of methods for helping you relax during your treatments. Thanks to sedation dentistry, patients who are typically nervous or require extensive procedures can easily undergo care while remaining comfortable and stress-free throughout their visit! Read on to learn more about our solutions and how we determine if these services are right for you, or give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

a patient smiling after undergoing sedation dentistry

Why Choose Connection Dentistry for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Multiple Sedation Options Available
  • Highly Experienced Dentists & Dental Team
  • Minimize Dental Anxiety & Fear

Oral Conscious Sedation

a man taking an oral conscious sedation pill

One of our methods for helping patients relax and enjoy their dental visit is oral conscious sedation. This option involves prescribing you a pill that you will take at a certain time prior to your appointment so that the effects can kick in just as you start your procedure. Once the sedative begins working, you should start to experience total relaxation. You might even feel like you’ve fallen asleep, though you’ll remain conscious enough to respond to simple commands and questions. After finishing your treatment, the effects can linger for a few hours, so you’ll need to arrange for a family member or friend to bring you to and from your appointment.

IV Sedation

a IV bag for dental sedation

For people with more severe dental anxiety/fear or who need to undergo more lengthy or complicated procedures, IV sedation might be the ideal solution for them. Since the medication is administered to you through your bloodstream, the numbing effects will usually kick in within moments, and our trained team members will monitor your vitals throughout your appointment to ensure you’re safe. This sedation method is the strongest one, so it’s normal for patients to feel like they’ve gone to sleep. You will still be capable of responding to simple commands, but you may not recall most of the procedure afterward. This option will also require you to have a trusted person with you so that you can rest easy on your way home.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

a dental patient giving thumbs up

The most common factor for a person being eligible for sedation dentistry is if they struggle with nervousness or fear regarding dental treatments or visiting their dentist. This, however, isn’t the only thing that could make you a good candidate for this service. You may be eligible if you:

  • Have a strong or sensitive gag reflex
  • Struggle to keep your mouth open for extended periods
  • Require multiple treatments or an extensive procedure
  • Have a medical condition or disability that makes it difficult to remain still